Your car is a significant and priceless asset, regardless of whether you use it for business or only
for personal use. Therefore, you must get reliable, high-quality panel beaters and spray painters.
Panel Beating
In the panel beating process, broken panels are taken off, repaired, and replaced. Additionally, the
chassis is aligned, spray painted, and the body hardware is reinstalled.
This is accomplished by using a blow torch to heat the dented region, and once it is sufficiently
hot, the panel beaters smash the metal slowly to stretch it back into shape.
While another instrument called a dolly is being laid back on the panel to give it shape, a shrink
hammer is being used to pound the metal.
In order to achieve a high-quality outcome and customer satisfaction while conserving time and
resources, the repair procedure for a professional body shop must be effective and efficient
Car Spray Painting
The smallest scratch can completely change the appearance of your car. In our body shop, we use
the top tools and technology available to the industry to expertly spray paint your car. We are able
to provide a perfect and smooth finish to every job because of our high-quality spraying booths.
We can quickly make your automobile look brand new, whether you want to cover dings, dents,
rust, or totally alter the color.
In the process of spray painting, paint is applied to a surface using a spray gun and compressed
gas. When applying paint with a spray gun, air is primarily used to pressurize the paint and produce
a spray effect.
Dent and Scratch Removal
Dents and scratches are frequent issues for car owners. We fix these flaws so that your car once
again has a much nicer appearance.
Using the most recent tools and technology, we will be able to repair any scratches and grazes on
your bumper.
Everyone desires attractive alloy wheels. The scratches in the gutter might be very inconvenient.
We provide a painting service that will match the original color rather than replace the wheel.